Psp Folder Structure

For Firmware Versions < 2.80

Most PSP’s use the following directory structure.

  • In addition to the formats, you also have get the naming and the folder structure right, else the console will not recognize your files. The PSP mostly uses variances of MPEG-4 codecs. The first model only supported the standard MPEG-4 SP video file format.
  • Now, copy the new eboot.pbp file into the emulator/homebrew folder with the% (F: PSP GAME UOSNES9X% ) from Step 3. Then move both the folders to your PSP. (Remember that if you have to run the KXploit on the homebrew/emulator, be sure to copy the files that came with it such as NESTERJ.

For Firmware Versions 2.80+

Pyramid Scene Parsing Network, CVPR2017. Contribute to hszhao/PSPNet development by creating an account on GitHub. You can put either or in the /PSP/GAME folder and switch the kerenel for the GAME folder between 1.50 and 3.52 in recovery menu. The eisest setup is place Homebrew and Emulators that require 1.50 firmware into the /PSP/GAME150 folder and everything that requires a firmware higighr be placed in the /PSP/GAME folder. Install Custom Firmware on PSP. First of all you need to install custom firmware on your PSP: PSP.


Firmware versions 2.80 and above use the following directory structure.

The ‘PSP’ directory is the main directory used by the PSP. The ‘MP_ROOT’ directory is where you should store any MP4 video files you want to view using your PSP, in a compatible format.

The ‘GAME’ > ‘UPDATE’ directory is where any firmware updates should be stored as well as bonus levels or extras downloaded for a particular game.

Iso Psp Folder


The ‘SAVEDATA’ directory should not be altered in anyway, as it could cause you data to be corrupted, disabling you from loading your saved files correctly.

For Firmware Versions < 2.80

The ‘MUSIC’ and ‘PHOTO’ directories can be used to store music (ATRAC and MP3) and photo (JPG, BMP, PNG, TIFF), respectively. You can use sub-directories to seperate the files as needed.

Psp Folder Structure

Psp Folder Structure

The “MP_ROOT” folder is used to store video content. (See How do I put videos onto my PSP?)

For Firmware Versions 2.80+

The “MUSIC”, “VIDEO” and “PICTURE” folders can be used to store music (ATRAC and MP3), videos (MP4) and photos (JPG, BMP, PNG, TIFF), respectively

Psp Memory Stick Folder Structure Download

Ps3 Folder Structure


Ps2 Folder Structure On Usb Thumb Drives

Note: The file structure for firmware version 2.0 is shown. For firmware versions < 2.0, do not add the 'COMMON' and 'SYSTEM' folders. For firmware versions 2.80+, the 'MP_ROOT' folder has been renamed to 'VIDEO' and the 'MUSIC' folder has been moved to the root of the Memory Stick. The 'PHOTO' folder has been renamed to 'PICTURE' and moved to the root of the Memory Stick.