Tutorial: Query Microsoft Access Tables using Excel for Mac
Part 4 - Get Your Data - Excel 2016
Tip: Use Excel 2011 instead, if you have it
- Here again with another Mac question (surprise). When I open an Excel file on a network folder, I'll get a dialogue box from Finder that asks me to 'Grant Access'. The code will only continue if I grant access to the file. Is there a way for me to have VBA automatically grant access? Would there a be a change for the user settings?
- I have another Mac pro running 10.11.5 and I can open and edit files on the 10.10.5 mac across the network without issue. However, this mac is running PS Cloud version 2015.5.
Apple requires that you keep your workbooks in specific locations. You should be able to avoid having to grant access if you store your workbooks on the desktop or in the Documents folder. The location Apple really wants you to use is a hidden directory. Use Find's Go menu and choose Library. If I manually grant access to a file, my code is able to open the document in subsequent runs. I will be working with new files each day so I would like to eliminate the grant access pop up window. I've tried sudo python myscript.py, but it doesn't resolve the issue. Use the GrantAccessToMultipleFiles command to request access to multiple files at once in your Office 2016 for Mac solution. Unlike VBA macros in Office for Mac 2011, VBA macros in Office 2016 for Mac don't have access to external files by default. Because the Office 2016 for Mac apps are sandboxed, they do not have permission to access external files.
By Jim Gordon, co-author of Office 2011 for Mac All-in-One For Dummies.Now that you have set up your data sources you can use them in Excel. There are big differences between how this is done in Excel 2011 and Excel 2016. Excel 2011 has Microsoft Query, a program having a Structured Query Language (SQL) graphical user interface (GUI). The GUI was cut from Microsoft Query 2016. If you do have Excel 2011, use that instead to generate your queries.. If you have only Excel 2016, before you do anything else, please click here to vote to have the SQL editor restored.
Using Microsoft Query 2016 for Mac
The syntax for SQL queries in MS Query is slightly different from the syntax in Microsoft Access. Use examples below to learn the subtle differences. On the Mac, MS Query uses SQL-Lite. Unlike the Windows version of Microsoft Query, you can not perform table operations. On the Mac, MS Access provides read-only functionality and can't change the data source database.Microsoft Query interface tips
The following features were cut from Microsoft Query 2011 and no longer work:There are no FIELD pop-up menus to display
You can't SORT or add sort criteria for any chosen field using the GUI
You can't FILTER data using a Filter in the GUI
You can't Right-click a Table to DELETE it from your query
Even if you scroll all the way to the right in this preview window, you may not be able to see all the columns returned by your query unless you move the mouse to the edge of the rightmost field name and discover the hidden arrow. Drag the arrow to widen the column..
You can not make parameter queries. Click here to vote for and complain about this lack of functionality.
In MS Query 2016, all you can do is type or paste SQL queries to accomplish the above actions.
Example #1 – Import an entire table from Microsoft Access into Excel 2016 for Mac.
1. Open Excel to a blank workbook
2. From the DATA tab of the Ribbon click the Database button. Choose From Database.
3. The ODBC Data Source Chooser dialog opens.
4. Select a data source from the list, and then click the OK button. Even if there is just one data source, you must first select it in order to use it.
The Microsoft Query dialog will open (see Figure 1). There is a main window divided into 3 panels: Tables, SQL Statement, and Result Set Preview. The preview is generated by clicking the Run button after you enter a SQL Statement.1. Click the disclosure triangle next to the folder icon in the upper left corner of the dialog. The list of tables in your Access database will display.
2. Clicking a table name will generate a SQL query that selects all records from the selected table. The SQL query appears in the upper right (SQL Statement) panel of the dialog.
3. Clicking the green triangle (Run) displays a sample result set (not the entire result set) in the lower right panel.
4. Click the RETURN DATA button to bring the complete result set table into Excel.
Figure 1
Example #2 – Filter Records
To filter records use a WHERE clause in your SQL statement.
Figure 2The query can be modified to display only certain columns. Specify the table name along with the column name. Pay special attention to the use of parentheses and single quotation marks in the WHERE clause. Note the final semicolon.
SELECT Orders.OrderID, Orders.ShipCountry FROM orders WHERE (ShipCountry = 'France');
Example #3 – Multiple Table Query
By joining two tables together, you can limit the result set that is returned to eliminate duplicate records.You can perform any SELECT query that Microsoft Access supports. The query shown in Figure 2 lists the names of everyone who registered for any workshop and found the workshop information from our brochure. Here is the syntax for the query in Example 3. Again, note use of single quotation marks and parentheses:
SELECT Orders.Orderdate, Orders.ShipName, Employees.LastName FROM Orders, Employees WHERE (Employees.EmployeeID = '3');
It is possible to make queries that produce very large number of records in the result set or a 'runaway query' that will never end. You will have to force quit Microsoft Query to interrupt a query that is taking too long.
Example #4 – Count number of records
This query's result set tells you how many employees have last names in the Employees table.SELECT count(Employees.LastName) FROM Employees
Example #5 – Match a text string
There is a SQL operator named LIKE that will search through the text within a field and return records that match the text string. This example shows how to search for the word final in a field called tblSoftware.Title. In this example we want to find all the supplier contact names that have Ian in them.SELECT Suppliers.ContactName FROM Suppliers WHERE (Suppliers.ContactName LIKE '%Ian%');
Example #6 – Return only unique records in the result set
Sometimes a column will have repetitive (identical or duplicate) records. To return a set of records that contains only unique rows, add DISTINCT to the SQL command. This example provides a list of unique product names from the Products table:SELECT distinct Products.ProductName FROM Products;
Example #7 – Group query results
Example 7 shows a trivial example of GROUP BY. You can also use ORDER BY or any other valid SQL statement in a SQL query.SELECT Orders.ShipCity FROM Orders Group By Orders.ShipCity
Example #8 – Make a PivotTable in Excel using data from an Access database
Sorry, this is currently broken in Excel 2016 for Mac. Use the Smile button in Excel's interface to add yourself to the list of people affected by this bug.Topics
- Part 1 - Overview
- Part 2 - Getting started
- Part 4 - Getting your data in Excel 2011
- Part 4 - Getting your data in Excel 2016 (the current page)
Northwind Trading Company, a small wholesale food business, is doing quite well since they moved online. Retail merchants across the country buy everything from salmon to granola and have it shipped quickly to their stores.
Their customer information is stored in an Access database, and now, the marketing team needs a better way to view it. In particular, they are interested in seeing where their customers reside so they can more effectively target their advertising dollars.
Microsoft Excel
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Microsoft Excel
Turn data into insights.
Get ExcelCreate a data connection between Excel and Access
Luckily, the same features that Excel provides for viewing and organizing information in a spreadsheet, such as filtering, charting, and grouping, can be used to view and organize information in an Access database. But first you need to create the connection.
Note: We’ll use the sample Northwind Access database to demonstrate how Excel connects to data sources. You can download it here: Northwind Web Database.
1. Go to the Data tab in Excel and click the From Access button.
2. On the Select Data Source dialog, go to the location where the Access database is stored, select it, and click the Open button
3. On the Select Table dialog, choose a table from the database to import.
4. Accept the default options on the Import Data dialog, and click OK.
Excel and Access are now connected, and the data from the Northwind CustomersExtended table appears in Excel.
Refresh data
Now that Northwind can now easily view and analyze the information in its Access database, they want to make sure they are reviewing the latest information.There’s a couple ways they can refresh the data in their workbook.
Forced Refresh
To force a refresh, click the Refresh All button on the Data tab. This will instantly import the latest Access data into Excel.
Customized Refresh
Northwind can customize the refresh behavior for their workbook in the following ways:
Microsoft Word Grant Access
- Enable background refresh (this option allows them to continue working in Excel while the refresh operation executes).
- Refresh data after a specified time period (e.g. every 30 minutes)
- Refresh data when opening a workbook
1. Click the Connections buttonon the Data tab, and then click the Properties button on the Workbook Connections dialog.
2. On the Connection Properties dialog, select the desired Refresh control options and click OK.
Grant File Access
All connected!
Northwind can now make better advertising decisions. Currently, they don’t have a single order from New York for their very popular gnocchi, and so they decide to focus their advertising on the the tratorrias of Little Italy.